Both Holy Trinity and St Chad's could not function without the teams of wonderful, committed people who undertake a whole host of ministries in the parish - from music, to cleaning, to flower arranging, to churchyard maintenance, to membership of various formal committees, to reading, praying, singing, preaching and teaching in worship, and all are deeply valued. We encourage all people to be involved in using their many gifts and talents and are encouraging of all member ministry.
Below are people with particular roles and responsibilities.
Our ministry team
Geoff Dingle
Lay Local Minister (Reader)
Barbara Dodd
Lay Local Minister (Reader)
Sylvia Bainbridge
Children & Families Worker
Josh Walker
Contemporary Worship Leader
Steve Enock
Choir Master and Organist
Our bishop's officers
parochial church council
Our church team
Revd Phillip Johnson
Steve Enock
Choir Master and Organist
Revd Stephen Habgood
Assistant Priest of Eccleshall
Cassie Jennings
Children and Families Minister
Our office team
Emily Howard
Michelle Johnstone
Our bishop's officers
Our Churchwardens are:
John Treanor, Kate Griffiths, Tony Jones & Jonathan Jones
John Treanor
Jonathan Jones
Kate Griffiths
Tony Jones
parochial church council
Currently the PCC is:
Revd Phillip Johnson
John Treanor (Lay Chair & Church Warden)
Kate Griffiths (Church Warden & Electoral Roll Officer)
Tony Jones (Church Warden)
Jonathan Jones (Church Warden & Deanery Synod)
Hazel Bradshaw (Safeguarding Officer & Deanery Synod)
John Leather (Treasurer - St Chad's)
Nancy Reynolds, Chris Reynolds, David Milner, Isobel Edge, Judith Norton, John Bradshaw, Jenny Turnock, Susan Marsh, Sue Bramall, Vivien Rowley, Linda Jones
Emily Howard (Hon. Secretary)
For communication regarding items relating to the PCC, please contact the PCC Secretary, Emily Howard, on